If you were asked to wear clothes and shoes, in which you are most comfortable in outdoors... and are able to perform (physically and otherwise) at your best...the likely answer would be something like this.
- Jogging or good sports shoes
- A comfortable trouser and may be a t-shirt or shirt
You may or may not agree to the above...but I thought I will give it a try. The point I am trying to reach is that if a person has to spent some time on the street, that person has to be comfortable.
Now imagine a cop/policeman on the streets of Delhi. He first has to wear a beret (a very uncomfortable head gear), a well fitting pant and a full sleeve shirt (even in the Delhi Summer). Apart from all this the policeman has to wear hard soled black leather shoes. I wonder if that policeman had to chase a thief or traffic offender, the cop would barely be able to run. It would be a much comfortable chase in joggin shoes. (By the way the same logic holds true for school school shoes as well. Read my entry on school uniforms here)
How about a cool T- shirt and trousers for the cop- obviously with logos of the police? They will still look policemen. And lets have good sports shoes for them to be able to go about doing their duties on Delhi roads.
And I am sure we can look at cops wearing nice caps with the Delhi police logo rather than those unmanageable berets, which do not even give sun protection. Berets could be used at formal functions.I think, we are still following what the British gave us...those uniforms. Its high time our cops are in casuals and perform. It will be so much easy on them.
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